Are you in need of Friendswood TX standing seam metal roofing near you? All Star Roofing Systems is Houston’s number one roofer and has been for over fifty years. All Star is you and your neighbor’s first pick for metal roofs, steel roofing, aluminum roofing, aluminum shake, shingle, and standing seam roofs. Our roofers are also happy to do traditional shingles as well as wood shingles! We believe in customer satisfaction, and our roofs can withstand any adverse weather conditions.
Each of our roofing experts has a minimum of twenty years of roofing, so you know that our experience in roofing simply can’t be beaten. Think we are just blowing smoke? Todd Miller, President of Classic Metal Roofing Systems, named us the roofers choice of Houston! When the President of another roofing company names you as the roofing experts acknowledged as the best in the area, how do you think otherwise?
Don’t want to take our word for it; check out some of our reviews to see what other Houstonians think of our work! Our expert roofing speaks for itself, and it comes in the form of our customers singing our praise. When you need Friendswood TX standing seam metal roofing, the choice is obvious!

We are certified, so give us a call for your Sugar FriendswoodTX steel roofs.
Call us today at All Star Roofing Systems today! Consultations are hassle-free, and there is no obligation to use us.
Types of metal roofing.
There are all kinds of roofing. With an industry that has existed since men first built huts in river valleys, there’s bound to be a few ways to do it. There’s traditional roofing made out of asphalt shingles. This is the most common type of roofing that people use. It is a cheap and effective way to complete your roof replacement. However, cheap asphalt shingles are often the reason that you need to replace your roof in the first place.
We do both residential and commercial roofing using only the finest roofing materials on the market. That’s why we’ve become experts in metal roofing installations. With hurricanes a likelihood every year in Houston, we try to convince customers that metal roofing is the way to go. Friendswood TX standing seam metal roofing.
Your first thought might be, “I’ve only ever seen metal roofing on commercial property. Why would I want it on my house?”
The truth is you’ve probably come across metal roofing in residential homes regularly, but that the metal roofing was colored to resemble traditional asphalt roofing. That’s right; metal roofing can be colored to resemble everything from asphalt roofing to natural woodlike colors like cedar to give you that old-world flavor on your house.
Why metal roofing? Metal roofing is the most durable roofing option that you can choose. Not only is it durable against inclement weather, but metal roofing options typically last 50 years. After you choose to roof your home with our metal roofing options, chances are you’ll never be around to see them replaced.
Other benefits of metal roofing.
One of the greatest benefits of metal roofing is that the metal shake roofs are manufactured to fit perfectly together. Not all shingle roofs are cut to the exacting standards that you expect from a machined shingle. Metal shingles are also great at insulating your home during hot Houston summers.
Whereas asphalt and tar-based shingles absorb heat, metal shingles tend to keep the interior of your home cool in summer and warm in winter. Traditional shingles are geared more towards ensuring that weather stays outside and care less about insulating your home. If you’ve been looking for Friendswood TX standing seam metal roofing, call All Star Roofs today!

We are here to help you with your new roof!
How many does each option cost?
Even within metal roofing, there can be large disparities in the prices. Steel cedar roofing is a popular option, and this drives up the price of the materials. The size of your house and how much will need to be roofed will also come into play. We suggest giving us a call for a free consultation if you are looking for an answer on how costly your roofing needs will be.
Are you conscious of the environment?
Metal roofing reduces energy demands to cool houses up to 10% during peak summer cooling demands. Study and resources are linked here.
Studies on white metal roofs versus dark metal roofs showed further improvements in energy reduction. When this is added to the fact that traditional roofing requires petroleum-based products and that they must be replaced 3 times quicker than metal roofing and the increased energy demand, you can see why metal is the more ecologically friendly option to choose.
So, what are the downsides of choosing to use metal roofing? The only notable downside of metal roofing is the cost, and if you wish to have a metal roof that mirrors the appearance of traditional asphalt roofing or even wood shingles, you’re going to have to pay even more.
Many people claim that metal roofs are far louder than traditional roofs to the point that it is considered a considerable downside when determining whether someone will choose a metal roof or not. However, there are numerous studies dispelling the myth that metal roofing options have to be louder than non-metal roofs.
Myths about Metal Roofing.
Of course, if your only experience in metal roofing is in some large thin sheet metal structure. Then yes, it will be considerably louder than asphalt, wood, and tar shingled roofs. However, this is not true of metal shake roofs that are rated for residential use.
Here is a study on the sound properties of metal roofing options clearly detailing how much quieter than traditional rooves are compared to metal rooves.
Our metal roofing materials are made up of 95% recycled materials. They are also lighter than traditional roofing options, which saves on fuel during transportation that saves carbon emissions from escaping into the atmosphere.

View the other Tomball TX steel roofs we have done and choose the color best for your home.
Aluminum roofing options can be repainted near indefinitely, extending their effective shelf life. Our metal roofs can be integrated with most existing solar panels effortlessly. Unlike traditional shingles, metal shakes can have dead air space pockets in them that will absorb the heat.
Friendswood TX standing seam metal roofing
Whatever your roofing needs are, our expert professionals at All Star Roofing Systems are standing by to assist you. Call or visit us today to get your free consultation on your roofing needs. Friendswood TX standing seam metal roofing.
Here’s some fun fact about Friendswood! Find more facts here!
- Friendswood erected a new Veteran Memorial in 2010.
- Stevenson Park is located on Market Rd 518.
- NASA is located only fifteen minutes away.
- Houston is only 30 minutes away.